
Posts Tagged ‘thisisindexed’

Send me a note this way and win a free beer!

I started writing this blog for a few reasons. One was to inform friends and family about what ‘s happening with the brewery. One was to test the water with some ideas. And one was just that I like to talk and write.

Through this blog, and other online devices like Twitter, I’ve met a lot of awesome people, who are passionate about their own thing, my thing, some thing. It’s been pretty sweet.

On Monday I received two messages, one through email, one through Twitter, and it was an awesome day because of it. First, the Twitter.

One of my favorite sites, which I check out every day, is thisisindexed.com. I even used one of the site’s images on a post a while back.

Well, Jessica, the author and illustrator of that site, sent me a message on Monday asking if we could collaborate on some labels for Mad Haven. We talked last night, and she’s going to draw up some ideas and we’ll see where it goes from there. It was definitely cool and flattering to have someone like that come to me about the brewery!

Then I got an email from a guy named Andrew:

Hello PJ,

I just wanted to let you know that I stumbled across your blog today and read every post. As someone who is pretty much in the same situation as you, it is awesome to read you are really taking the steps to make your dreams a reality. I’ve dreamed of starting a brewery for a long time now but I haven’t really taken it seriously. It wasn’t until recently I realized I hate my job and the only way I’ll be really happy is by doing something I’m really passionate about. It’s really inspiring to read a fellow 25 year old has the drive and the passion to make this happen.

So I just wanted to tell you you have helped inspire me to continue to pursue my dreams and keep brewing my 5 gallon batches in my tiny NYC apartment. I will continue to read your blog and hopefully someday we can meet at the GABF and have a couple of Mad Haven beers.

Good luck man. Cheers.

How cool is that? It made me really happy to see someone else get the brewing bug, just like that. We’ve been emailing back and forth, and it looks like Andrew is in the same boat a lot of my friends are in: mid-20s, out of college, working the 9-5, ready to do their own thing instead.

Anyway, I just thought I’d share those. Good times indeed!

Oh, and Kell and I are plugging away at the business plan. More on that later.

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